#include#include int initM=20; // THe initial M using namespace std; typedef struct LNode{ int no; int code; struct LNode *next; }LNode,*LinkList; void InitList(LinkList &L){ if(L==NULL){ L=(LinkList)malloc(sizeof(LNode)); L->no=0; L->code=0; L->next=L; } } void ListInsert_L(LinkList &L,int e,int co){ LinkList p, s; p=L; if(p->no==0) { p->no=e; p->code=co; p->next=p; } else{ s=(LinkList)malloc(sizeof(LNode)); s->no=e; s->code=co; s->next=p->next; p->next=s; p=s; } L=p; //L always point to the end } void Joseph(LinkList &L,int n){ int count=0; int flag=0,i=0; //flag=0 means the first turn,M=20 LinkList p; for(p=L->next;i<=n;p=p->next){ if(p->code!=0) //It hasn't been visited count++; if(flag==0 && count==initM){ cout< no<<""; initM=p->code; p->code=0; flag=1; count=0; i++; } if(flag==1 && count==initM){ cout< no<<""; initM=p->code; p->code=0; i++; count=0; } } } int main() { LinkList L=NULL; InitList(L); freopen("acm.txt","r",stdin); int n; cin>>n; int i,j=1; while(cin>>i){ ListInsert_L(L,j,i); j++; } /* LinkList p; for( p=L;p->next!=L;p=p->next) cout< no<<" "< code<<" "< no<<" "< code<<" "<